Yoo Ah-in appeared in court looking haggard!

Yoo Ah-in appeared in court looking haggard!


The actor Yoo Ah-in, suspected of illegal drug use, appeared in the Seoul Central District Court this morning. He attended the review under suspicion of violating the Drug Management Law and instigating evidence destruction and evasion.

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The review of Yoo Ah-in's arrest warrant was applied again four months after the first warrant, requested by the police in May this year, was rejected. At that time, the court rejected Yoo Ah-in's arrest warrant on the grounds that it was 'hard to determine the concern of destruction of evidence or flight'.

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As the prosecution applies for an arrest warrant for Yoo Ah-in for the second time, Yoo Ah-in, who barely survived the first detention crisis, once again faces the review of being detained.

Yoo Ah-in didn't dye his hair, appearing in court with a full head of white hair. Having already been through one arrest warrant review, he seemed utterly calm. However, he couldn't hide his complex emotions in front of the camera, his expression seeming stiff.

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Standing before the reporters, Yoo Ah-in stated during an interview, "I apologize for any concerns I may have raised during this period. I will be candid in court and provide my opinion to the best of my ability."

It's reported that after a supplementary investigation lasting three months, prosecution authorities have added suspicion that actor Yoo Ah-in had directed an acquaintance to destroy evidence during the narcotics investigation or forced his friend in the U.S.A to abuse drugs. However, Yoo Ah-in denied any accusations of evidence tampering or forcing his friend to use drugs.

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Yoo Ah-in is suspected of frequently purchasing and injecting medical drugs such as propofol, worth about 500 million won in total, in Seoul hospitals from 2020 onwards, under the pretext of cosmetic surgery and sleep anesthesia.

In addition, he is also suspected of prescribing sleeping pills on behalf of others and taking drugs in the United States with artist friend Choi in January this year. Choi, the said friend, also faced arrest warrant review with Yoo Ah-in on the same day, and whether Yoo Ah-in will be detained will be decided later.


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